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Primary Navigation

Shared Partial Name:


When to Use

This is the main navigation on your site. It goes right below the masthead. All WVU websites are required to have a primary navigation consistently placed on every page.

Example 1: Standard Navbar

Example 2: Standard Navbar With Social Media Icons

Content Model and Styling Guidelines

The following guidelines will help ensure your content and styling follow our design principles, and ensures consistency and unity across your pages as well as other WVU-branded websites.

Content-Specific Guidelines

Content Max Characters Description
Navigation Items 16 ea. If the number of navigation items exceeds 7, consider organizing your navigation differently by consolidating sections of your site.
Social Media Icons N/A Limit to 4 accounts.

* Indicates required content.

Shared CleanSlate Partial

Type: Static (uses editable regions)

This component corresponds to the latest version of the shared nav partial in the Design System CleanSlate. CleanSlate developers can use this component by adding a shared partial to a template. Below are the available configuration options for this component.