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Shared Partial Name:


When to Use

Use when you want to feature 3-4 articles from a blog, news, or magazine section that lives elsewhere on your site.

Example: Standard Article Collection

Articles Collection Headline

Subhead goes here.

Perspiciatis Unde Omnis Iste Natus Error


Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur?

Read More: Perspiciatis Unde Omnis Iste Natus Error

At Vero Eos et Accusamus et Iusto Odio Dignissimos


Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur?

Read More: At Vero Eos et Accusamus et Iusto Odio Dignissimos

Ducimus Qui Blanditiis Praesentium Voluptatum


Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur?

Read More: Ducimus Qui Blanditiis Praesentium Voluptatum

Put additional info or links here.

Content Model and Styling Guidelines

The following guidelines will help ensure your content and styling follow our design principles, and ensures consistency and unity across your pages as well as other WVU-branded websites.

Content-Specific Guidelines

Content Max Characters Description
Header 56 A headline introducing the collection.
Subhead 56 Additional info about the collection.
Item Thumbnails N/A

Use the same aspect ratio for each thumbnail image.

Use the same style for each thumbnail image. For example, don’t use a logo for one and a photo for another.

Don’t include text in thumbnail images.

Always follow our Phography Guidelines when choosing images.

Item Headers* 56 The title of the featured item.
Article Author and Publish Date N/A The name of the author and the date the article was published.
Item Blurbs* 255 What the user can expect to find when visiting the page.
Item Call to Actions* 16 The action the user should take e.g. “Read More”.
Postscript 1-2 Sentences Include a link to an external page with additional info or a full list of items.

* Indicates required content.

Shared CleanSlate Partial

Type: Dynamic (pulls data from other pages in site)

This component corresponds to the latest version of the shared article-collection partial in the Design System CleanSlate. CleanSlate developers can use this component by adding a shared partial to a template. Below are the available configuration options for this component.